Darke Palace Realms

(Alas, we've haven't gotten to updating this part yet, but we're working on it! Be patient -- we have lots and lots of new pictures to share, and they take time to scan and upload, yadda yadda. Remember that we just finished writing yet another book, but we have big plans for this area soon. We're finally in a position to try catching up!)

If you're in the mood to explore Darke Palace, then you've come to the right place. We have all sorts of treats to savor and discoveries to make. Be sure to check back now and then, because you never know what you'll find in here-- it could be photos to look at, books to consider, or places to go. Enjoy!

Navarro Cafe Get the high-low down on Darke Palace's creator, author Yvonne Navarro in her Biography. And what's this-- you want us to tell you where to go? Well, if you insist, we're happy to oblige in the The Hall of Links. It's the perfect way to make an interesting exit.
Palace Pups Oh, we do so love dogs here at the Palace. While we don't have one right now (we'll fix that someday, darn it!), we've had our share of great ones in the past. We loved them lots and so we invite you to share in a bit of that affection by meeting Chanci and Creature.
Early Days Everyone looks at a writer, especially a horror writer, and wonders "What on Earth happened to him/her to make her turn out like this?" We might not be sure of the answer, but here's a look at how things were in the Early Days of Yvonne Navarro's life.
Adventures Never let it be said that the life of a writer has to be boring. The Palace's Starving Author has tried skydiving, a bit of rock wall climbing, and is always clambering around her beloved Arizona. While you're toodling around, you can find pix of Von's most recent Arizona escape (January 2001) on Weston Ochse's Arizona Picture Page. She also has an ongoing love of the Martial Arts, so we added new pages under that link in July, 2001.
Conventions On the business end of writing, we've selected shots from a few conventions we found memorable: Atlanta 1999, Necon (our favorite!), the Stokers in Los Angeles, and the World Horror Con 1996. A couple of cons and a bit of traveling in the fall of 2000 resulted in these: Twilight Terrors and Chi-Con 2000, World Fantasy Con 2000, and Tus-Con 2000. So far the Year 2001 adventures include World Horror 2001 (Seattle), with more stuff to come this summer.

Return to Darke Palace.

All text and images copyright © 2004 by Yvonne Navarro. Don't be naughty-- no reprinting or use in any form whatsoever without prior written permission of the starving author. We mean it. We know lots of lawyers. And we ain't afraid to use them.