Yvonne Navarro
-- Blurbs --

About Highborn - Book One of The Dark Redemption Series:

"Highborn is a twisted, urban fantasy noir full of cops and bullets and fallen angels. Yvonne Navarro crafts a hell of a story, a grim journey where one wrong step could mean death or damnation. A dark gem, and a great start to a killer new series."

---Christopher Golden, author of The Myth Hunters, Strangewood, and more

About The First Name Reverse Dictionary:

"What if... you want to be sure a character in your next novel has a name that suggests a certain character trait-- or flaw? The First Name Reverse Dictionary can help."


"This one runs decidedly against the grain... uniquely suited to identify those names that represent a certain quality, idea, or thing...."

---Wilson Library Bulletin
About That's Not My Name:

"In THAT'S NOT MY NAME, Yvonne Navarro bestows upon us what we always most need - a novel distinguished by its generosity of feeling, sense of discovery, narrative timing and command, accuracy of phrasing, and above all its sustained power. This is an exciting, thrilling, heartfelt book."

-- Peter Straub, Author of Ghost Story and If You Could See Me Now

"With THAT'S NOT MY NAME, Yvonne Navarro continues to explore -- and master -- the realms of suspense and nightmare. Once again, she's crafted a thoroughly compelling story that doesn't let go to the last page."

-- Matthew Costello, Author of Maelstrom and The 7th Guest

"THAT'S NOT MY NAME is a truly unsettling work of fiction. The chills come not from ghosts or external threats, but from within, from the very real tricks the mind can play on itself. Do not miss this one."

-- F. Paul Wilson, Author of The Keep and Repairman Jack

"With this sly, savvy mystery, Yvonne Navarro yanks the rug of certainty from beneath the reader too many times to count, and leaves one with the ultimate nagging question: Are you positive you're who you think you are?"

-- Brian Hodge, Author of Dark Advent and Wild Horses

About deadrush:

"A delicate tapestry of bizarre images and intriguing characters."

---Poppy Z. Brite, author of Lost Souls and Soul Kitchen

"This one is good, gang-- definitely in my top ten for 1995."

---Hank Wagner, Over Views #31

"A wonderfully chilling account of corruption, cruelty, and obsession..."

---Don D'Ammassa, Science Fiction Chronicle

"Metaphoric, resonant -- I cannot recommend her writing highly enough."

---Timothy Walker, The Dayton Voice

About DeadTimes:

"This is a work that celebrates our common humanity... Literature can have no greater goal than that."

-- Garrett Peck, Gauntlet

"It's a pleasure to read a novel and know that the author has come up with something original, satisfying and enjoyable."

-- Paul Legerski, Masters of Terror

"DeadTimes is a clear winner, a tale that proves there are fates worse than death -- and sometimes living is one of them."

-- Beth Amos, Author of Cold White Fury

About AfterAge:

"...a classic vampire novel that deserves to be ranked equally with McCammon's They Thirst and John Skipp and Craig Spector's The Light at the End..... AfterAge is incredible and soul-shattering good."

---The Buzz Review, January 1998

"...one of the best horror novels of 1993."

---Don D'Ammassa, Science Fiction Chronicle, February, 1994

"Navarro has skillfully constructed an epic tale which embraces all the proven elements of the great saga.... manipulating and motivating her characters believably through a world that is almost too horrific to imagine..."

---Peter Crowther, Interzone, January, 1994

"To paraphrase an old vampire maxim, you can have your blood and drink it too."

---Edward Bryant, Locus, September, 1993

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Updated 11/05/2007

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